man with pencil

Exercise 7*

1. Find the origin or etymology of these words. Write your answers in full sentences.

beast curl sandwich
hamburger tulip sponge
negligée traffic brown
sun cow ketchup

2. What do you think the origins of the above words tells you about the English language. Be sure to check your answers with your instructor.

man with pencil

Exercise 8*: Practise your dictionary skills answering these questions.

1. burn: What are the two possible ways to write this word when describing an action that took place in the past? Yesterday, Joe _________ his hand badly.

2. Law, (Andrew) Bonar: When was he born? Why is he a famous Canadian?

3. coccyx: Where would you find one? Can you think of a synonym?

4. coulee: In which province might you hear people talking about this?

5. jig: What is the first meaning? Have you ever “jigged” from school? Why isn’t this definition given?

6. swish: What is the 4th definition for this noun?

7. Presley, Elvis (Aron): What year was he born?

8. potpourri: Write the definition. Look at the etymology. What do you notice? .

9. fathom: How big is a fathom? What is the origin of the word and what did it mean? What might you guess about the people who used the word originally?

10. Boudicca: Who was she? Pronounce her name two different ways.

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