Exercise 1

Check your answers by finding the words in the dictionary.

Exercise 2

gift, mat, motor, fun, hat, igloo, justice, letter, pan, kitten, nine

mitten, moral, monster, mister, mount, mop

Exercise 3


super - above hyper - over,beyond sub - under
in - not post - after pre - before
anti - against mega - large contra - against
ultra - extremely re - again ab - away, from
il - not im - not

B) Answers will vary.

Exercise 4


ment able ed
ate ment ing
er ary ly

B) Answers will vary.

Exercise 5

Say your answers aloud to your instructor.

Exercise 6

Say your answers aloud to your instructor.

Exercise 7


beast - Latin curl - Dutch sandwich - a person’s name
hamburger - Germanic tulip - Persian sponge - Greek
negligée - French traffic - unknown brown - Germanic
sun - Old English cow - Norse ketchup - Cantonese

B) English is a very flexible language and adopts words from other languages for new things.

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