Before you buy a dictionary, look at it carefully. Are the letters big enough to read easily? Does it contain all the kinds of information presented in this module? Does it have clear diagrams of plants, animals, etc.? Are the definitions clear? Complete this module to find out just what features you want in a dictionary.

Here are some things to consider when buying a dictionary.

  • Some dictionaries are better for one purpose than another. Decide how you are going to use your dictionary. Check several thoroughly before you decide which one to buy.
  • Larger dictionaries include special reference sections at the beginning and the end. Check to see which one contains the kinds of information you are likely to need.
  • In general, the bigger the dictionary, the better and more complete it is likely to be.
  • The most expensive dictionary may not necessarily be the best one for your purposes.
  • Decide whether you want a dictionary with British, Canadian, or American pronunciations, meanings, and spelling.
  • A hard cover dictionary lasts longer than a paperback dictionary.
  • Eventually you might want to own more than one dictionary.

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