A. fern and pat zebra gift apple mat rug motor egg quarter fun hat sunny igloo farm bird justice letter pan kitten nine pavement B. mint and mouse? (IAU) mark minor mitten map meander moral mustard monster mighty mister mutter mount mystery mop movement minister WHAT ARE AFFIXES, PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES?In order to use a dictionary effectively you need to be familiar with how some words are made. A simple word, likepay, is called a root word. Syllables, or groups of letters, are often added to the beginning or end of root words. If a syllable, like pre, is added at the beginning of the word, it is called a prefix, so you would now have the word prepay. If a syllable, like -able, is added at the end, it is called a suffix. Now the new word is prepayable. The word affix is a general term that includes both prefixes and suffixes. Take the root word legal for example. What does it mean? |
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