B. Works Cited or Bibliography

At the end of the paper, the Works Cited page includes a list of all the sources that you took material from, listed in alphabetical order by author. Always start a new page for a bibliograpy or Worls Cited page. Pay special attention to the punctuation and spacing as this is an essential part of the format. Examine the excerpt from the Works Cited page below.

Bryson, Bill. Mother Tongue: The English Language. Toronto: Penguin Books

Canada, Ltd., 1990.

Carter, Bonnie, and Craig Skates. The Rinehart Handbook for Writers. Montreal:

Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1988.

Childs, Leslie. “Ode to the Veranda” Reader’s Digest Apr. 1996: 38-39.

Levins, Harry. “The Novel.” Dictionary of World Literature. Ed. Joseph T.

Shipley. Rev. ed. Totowa, N.J.: Littlefield, 1968.

Small, Edward. Personal Interview. 8 June 1997.

Notice that there are 2 spaces before and after the title, one space before the publisher’s name, and all lines are double spaced. If an entry takes more than one line, the second and all following lines are indented five spaces.

If you would like to learn more about the various styles of formatting Works Cited and parenthetical references, ask your instructor to suggest several sources you can research. Most good handbooks for writing contain specific examples of how to document (list research sources) a wide variety of books, articles, interviews, etc.


Exercise 14

Using at least six sources (books, pamphlets, magazine articles, interviews, etc.), create a bibliography. The sources you choose do not necessarily have to be related.

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