1. In a sentence for each, explain the kinds of information you might find in (10)

a) catalogue area b) the media area
c) vertical file d) periodical area
e) reference area

2. What are the benefits of microfilm over cards? (2)

3. a) Name the two systems a library can use to shelve its collection of books. (2)

b) What are the differences between the two systems. Give examples. (4)

c) Where would you expect to see each system used? (1)

4. Explain, with examples, primary and secondary sources. (2+6=8)

5. Choose any six of the following terms related to research and explain each. (12).

call number spine intellectual property
Internet MLA copyright
plagiarism bibliography master list

6. Create a Works Cited page from the information given in this paragraph. (15)

I spent most July 2, 1998, at the library researching the history of my community. On page 27 of Discovering New Brunswick by Mark Freeman, I found information about the first settlers. This excellent book was published in 1979 in Sackville, NB by Elgin Press. Later, I found a magazine article on pages 37-41 of “Atlantic Progress” by Emily Stormont, entitled “Living with the New Economy”. I knew that the information on the mining industry was reliable because it came from the February 1998 issue of a magazine published locally. I also interviewed John Michaels, a local business man who knows lots about local businesses and the families which founded them.

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