3. Personal Libraries*

Often the same people who have first hand knowledge on a subject may also have gathered books, pamphlets or newspaper clippings useful in your research. If they have a computer, they probably know appropriate web sites on the Internet (see section 6 below for more information on the Internet). In most cases, people who have done their own research will gladly share what they have with you.

The biggest job is to locate these people. Ask everyone you meet if he or she knows a good person to talk to on your subject. Read the newspapers and look in the phone book for interest groups that might have some knowledge you can use. The local gardening club may help you find out more about tomatoes. In the case of Ritalin, a friend of your next door neighbour may have already contacted Health Canada for the information available to the public.

4. Corporate Sources*

Businesses, large and small, cannot operate without information. Many have collections of materials in their offices. With the proper permission, you may be able to use some of these. A plant nursery may have information sheets on various fruits and vegetables while local pharmacists can provide a typed page of instructions and warnings about Ritalin like the one they give out with each new prescription. Usually they are glad to supply you with one, or else they will look up the information in their special reference book, Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties(4). You can even ask them to contact the drug’s manufacturer for you. Often the drug company will fax additional information directly to your local drug store where you can pick it up. Don’t overlook any source in your community, and don’t be afraid to ask for information. Most people are really pleased to share, particularly if they have a lively interest in the subject.


Exercise 4*

1. Find and record contact information for businesses in your community that might have information on the five topics you identified in Exercise 2.

4.a special book used by pharmacists that tells them all about each drug they dispense

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