1. The Spelling Strategies module presents information and exercises to accompany the objectives of BAU-ENG 6.6, Spelling and IAU-ENG 2.2, Spelling Review.

2. Learners , regardless of level, should complete the twenty week programme.

3. Facilitators are free to use any support materials appropriate to their learners' needs.

4. Additional resource materials and practice may be required for those wanting more information on this topic or for those needing more practice mastering certain areas.

5. Alternate support materials may be appropriate.

6. Once learners have completed the twenty week spelling programme, they should continue to develop their spelling skills throughout the rest of the programme by creating their own Personal Spelling Lists and particpating in personalized weekly spelling tests, based on these lists.

7. Learners should write a weekly spelling test based on the Word List and their Personal Spelling Lists.

8 The "pre-test" provided at the end of this module is intended to help learners determine for themselves when they are ready for the final evaluation. It is not a "final test".

9. Although specific strategies are presented in association with specific word lists, this in no way implies that these are the best, or only, way to learn these words.

10. Learners may choose to give themselves a pre-test before working on a lesson in order to identify the words that they need to learn.

11. Learners should be aware that a final mark of 90%, or better, indicates that they have achieved their goal of becoming a "better" speller.

12. Learners should recognize that the best test of their spelling abilities is in their day to day written work.

13. Weekly spelling tests should be marked and recorded for later use as a classmark for this module.

14. Facilitators may also mark practice exercises and record the weekly results towards a final class mark.

15. Do NOT write in this module. Please make your notes and complete the exercises in your own notebooks so that other learners may also use this booklet.

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