This support module may be used with BAU-ENG 6.6, Spelling, and IAU-ENG 2.2, Spelling Review 5.



Upon successful completion of this unit, the learner will be able to

1. spell correctly words appropriate to his/ her reading level.
2. employ spelling strategies appropriate to his/ her learning style.

Spelling Rules 1 "i" before "e" 5 / 6
  2 double consonants before suffixes starting with vowels 5 / 6
  3 silent "e" 5 / 6
  4 American/ Canadian spelling 5 / 6
Plurals 5 plurals (including regular and irregular forms) 3 / 4
Contractions 6 e.g. they're, they've, you're, won't, etc. 3 / 4
Homonyms 7 exact
(e.g. piece, peace, here, hear, principal, principle)
5 / 6
  8 near (e.g.advice, advise; effect, affect) 5 / 6
Spelling Strategies 9 syllabication 1 / 2
  10 phonetic analysis 1 / 2
  11 tactile practice 1 / 2
  12 written and oral drill 1 / 2
  13 structural analysis 1 / 2
  14 mnemonics 3 / 4
  15 visualization 3 / 4
  16 flash cards 3 / 4
  17 dictionary search 3 / 4
  18 common irregularly spelled words
(e.g. weird, a lot, etc.)
3 / 4
  19 computer spell checker 5 / 6
  20 personal spelling lists ALL
Note: Spelling is an ongoing concern. All learners, regardless of level, should maintain a personal spelling list.
Note: Spelling practice should be a part of every learner's day.

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