1. Do you provide your own staff training ‘in-house’?
    _____YES _____NO
  2. Would your company be interested in workplace training programs?
    (i.e. Staff training on company time AT the work-site)
    _____YES _____ NO
  3. If YES, How many hours/week of training would be acceptable?
    Number of hours: ___________ Times: ______________________
    What type(s) of training:__________________________________
  4. If NO, would you be interested in Aurora College training courses/programs, workshops or academic courses (i.e. upgrading, trades upgrading, computer courses) for any of your current employees this fall/winter 2000/2001? _____YES _____ No
    _____Evenings (Times:__________________________________)
    _____Weekends (Times:_________________________________)
  5. Would you be interested in any of the following courses for your current employees?
    _____Academic Upgrading _______________________________
    _____Computer Courses: ________________________________
    _____Business Courses:__________________________________
    _____Safety Training (First Aid, Transportation of Dangerous Goods, WHMIS)
    _____Communication skills:_______________________________
    _____Supervisory skills:__________________________________
    _____Personal Development :_____________________________
    _____Other (specify any training that your and your employees require)