Northern Foods Activity Lesson Plan

  1. This activity will give workers practice in writing about food that is specific to northern climates or Aboriginal culture. Workers can develop a sight vocabulary list, and work with spelling and phonics
  1. Have a general discussion about Northern traditional foods.
  2. Ask workers what some of their favourite foods are, how they prepare them and where they go hunting.
  3. Introduce vocabulary to describe flavour, texture, colour and method of preparation.
  4. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages to preparing foods certain ways.
  5. Look at the Northern Food Kit and have workers choose laminated food models to write about.
  6. Have workers physically rearrange the food models that they are going to write about. Look on the back of the models for food names, method of preparation and food group they belong to.
  7. Ask workers to list 8 names of foods and fill in the worksheet that follows. Write the first one as an example.
  8. After workers have filled in the worksheet have them read out their writing aloud.
  9. Talk about the Northern Food Guide and what they eat from each of the four food groups.
  10. Talk about how long foods last depending on how we prepare them.
  11. Reference the WOW article and discuss what kind of northern food space astronauts could take with them on an expedition.
  12. Discuss food that will help fight disease and illness.
  13. Reference the Sodexho Ekati menu and have workers locate the symbols for Northern Foods on the fiveweek menu.
  14. Reference the NWT map and have workers show locations of places they go hunting and fishing.
  15. As a group, build vocabulary lists of words to describe ways of preparing food (boil, broil, bake, fry, eat raw, cook over open fire, dry) where it comes from (barrenlands, bush, lakes, areas of NWT, stores, friends) and comments to describe taste (salty, sweet, bitter), texture (tough, tender, stringy) and other words such as juicy, oily, specialty food, delicacy.
  16. Teach a lesson on first letters of vocabulary, root words, prefix and suffix.
  17. Introduce rules for spelling with examples such as dry and dried, fry and fried.
  18. Teach a lesson on short and long vowel sounds.