From the Funder’s Perspective
Submitted By
Debra English, Instructor ALBE/Access Inuvik CLC, Aurora College
Best Practices Supported
- Funding
- Organizational Linkages and Partnership
How It Works
As a funder, it is important to communicate and share information with all
groups or individuals on government funding programs that support literacy and
adult basic education as well as funding programs available from other agencies.
The Department of Education, Culture and Employment career development officer’s
goals are to:
- Assist in developing organizational linkages and partnerships with nongovernment,
Aboriginal organizations and other GNWT departments.
- Provide up-to-date information to community agencies, organizations and
The career development officer did the following to support literacy programs
and share funding opportunities:
- Fax, phone and visit organizations, agencies and businesses to explain
and discuss ECE programs.
- Arrange visits with employers and other organizations to discuss funding
programs and how to apply for them.
- During community visits, make every effort to contact and visit employers
or potential applicants at their worksite.
- Make suggestions about co-funders (Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC),
Gwich’in Tribal Council (GTC) or Human Resources Development Canada
(HRDC) and how to jointly fund the same proposals.
- Provide up-to-date information about ECE programs and other nongovernment
- Keep in constant contact with partners in developing new ways to plan or
organize joint ventures (Aurora College, GTC, IRC, HRDC) in the region.