Mission Statement

To improve the quality of life within our community by increasing literacy skills, providing employment opportunities and making families stronger

This mission reflects the philosophy behind Fort Resolution’s literacy programming. It guides its planning, goals and objectives, activities and decisions. Thus, to achieve improved quality of life, it empowers learners to take control of their lives; it encourages them to reflect critically, to explore topics that are relevant to their lives in a group setting, and to engage in social action. It aims to meet learners where they are and address issues that are relevant to their lives. As you read through this example of Best Practices in Action, you will see how the various aspects of the program reflect its philosophy and mission.

Best Practice #2: Program Planning

A quality adult literacy and basic education program engages regularly in a
program planning process.

In spring 2001, Ken Latour, the adult educator at the time, developed a proposal to address several areas of literacy programming at once. His idea was comprehensive: each part of the program would build on the other parts. But his proposal was too ambitious for the $9,000 that he received from the GNWT Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE). Soon after, however, two timely events occurred that would support the program’s development.