A quality adult literacy and basic education program
values its staff and places a priority
on staff development.
The program recognizes the importance of professional development (PD) for its staff. Learners have half a day off each month to allow staff to do PD regularly. As well, staff try to participate in the Yellowknife Educators’ Conference, held each year in November. They also try to take advantage of other PD opportunities, offered by local organizations such as the NWT Literacy Council and Human Resources Social Development. Staff have participated in training such as:
Staff are also included in the Adult Literacy Training event organized by Aurora College that usually takes place every two years, and in the Annual General Assembly workshops organized by the Native Women’s Association.
A quality adult literacy and basic education program
has adequate ongoing funding to
run the program.
As a non-government, not-for-profit organization, accessing adequate funding for the Training Centre is never easy. Most of the funding for the program from August to March comes from the Government of the Northwest Territories—from programs such as the Community Literacy fund and the Community Skills for Work fund. The program applies for this money every year. In addition, the program charges tuition fees for each semester. This helps covers costs from April to July. Recently when its government funding was reduced, the program was still able to cover its costs from its tuition fees and AHRDA partners. Learners can apply to AHRDA for tuition and living allowances.