4. Program Accessibility
A quality adult literacy and basic education program respects differences and is accessible to the broadest range of potential learners in the community.

4BOpportunities are provided for all learners to participate equitably in the program.

  1. The program’s recruitment practices are inclusive of different cultures, race, gender, and special needs.
  2. A variety of promotional materials is used to reach all potential learners.
  3. Enrollment in the program is voluntary.
  4. Guidelines/policies are in place and implemented regarding learners with special needs.
  5. Program staff have access to training and information on special needs.
  6. A process is in place to allow learners to appeal decisions related to access.
  7. Processes are in place to identify learners’ needs, goals or barriers to learning, and to respond appropriately to them (through referrals, support services, specialized equipment, specialized instruction, etc.).