Maggie's Place - Early Language & Learning

Maggie's Place is a family resource centre situated at 129 Arthur Street in Truro. We are a non-profit organization and offer a variety of programs for parents and children (age 0-6) in partnership with other organizations and individuals.

We are a partner in the Nova Scotia Early Language and Learning Initiative (ELLNS), funded by the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services. This initiative promotes children's social, language and literacy development within family resource centres. Maggie's Place staff was trained in the Hanen Program for Early Childhood Educators/Teachers called "Learning Language and Loving It" and the parent education program, "You Make the Difference." In addition, we have an Early Language & Learning Coordinator on staff who works to promote literacy in all of our programs.

For September, we are offering the parent education program, "Building Blocks to Learning." This 7-week program is designed to provide parents with the skills and materials they need to help their children develop early literacy skills. During each 2-hour session, parents will make an activity to share with their child at home, learn more about how children learn to read and write, and borrow a Story Stretchers Book Bag. As well, parents will have a chance to share parenting tips with each other and help each other face their challenges.

For more information on our programs, please call 895-0200 or visit our website at

Embrace the number one truth about stress:

Only you create it. Stress isn’t defined as a large workload, a difficult child, or a rise in terrorism. Stress is your physical and mental reaction to these external stimuli. Embracing the fact that stress is your reaction to external stimuli- and not the stimuli themselves- is half the battle toward managing it. You can’t change the crazy world. But you can learn to handle it with humor, humility, and hope. Not coincidentally, virtually every stress-relief method is about how to improve your reaction to external factors.

Source- Reader’s Digest, Stealth Health 2005 edition