Learning Communities Symposium

Submitted by Ann Marie Downie, Executive Director of Literacy Nova Scotia, a provincial nonprofit organization promoting and supporting literacy opportunities for all Nova Scotians.

Literacy Nova Scotia (LNS) would like to invite you to a free lecture on the Learning Community Model of community development. This public lecture will be held on October 3, 2007 from 1pm - 3pm at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College in Bible Hill. The presenter will be Dr. Ron Faris. Ron Faris has had a long and varied career as an adult educator and in recent years he has focused on community development through learning opportunities offered in communities.

The public lecture will open a two day Learning Communities Symposium. The symposium will also include an evening showcase and panel discussion which will highlight local examples of learning communities and a full day workshop the next day for registered participants. These activities will be held at the Debert Hospitality Centre (DHC).

The Colchester Regional Development Agency (CoRDA) is leading the way as a learning community with their Innovative Learning Communities Project and will be one of the local initiatives highlighted during the evening showcase at the Debert Hospitality Centre from 6 pm - 9 pm.

CoRDA’s leading example will inspire others across Nova Scotia to change how we think about community development. CoRDA has seen the need to invest in rural sustainable communities by ensuring an adult learning component is part of their work. Literacy learning opportunities are an important part of adult learning and it needs to be a consideration when we are talking about development at the community level. CoRDA recognizes the important role of literacy and supports the Colchester Adult Learning Association (CALA) in their work supporting clients to develop their literacy skills. CALA is coordinating the Truro/Bible Hill Learning Community on behalf of CoRDA. This publication is a result of this project.

Literacy Fast Facts

Literacy is the essential skill.

It is the ability to use printed information to function in society, at work and in the family.

It is the combination of thinking and social skills we need to analyze and use information to control our own lives, achieve our goals and develop our knowledge and potential.

38% of Nova Scotians have difficulty reading, understanding and using print material

50% of Nova Scotians have difficulty with numeracy

30% of Nova Scotians do not have a high school diploma

Literacy is more than words on paper. It includes many essential skills, like thinking, talking and listening, and computer skills.

Use it or lose it. Literacy is like our muscles. We must use our literacy skills to maintain them. No matter where we start, we can all gain literacy skills.

Office Address:
c/o NSCC Truro Campus
Rm. 125 Forrester Hall
36 Arthur St.
Truro NS B2N 1X5

Toll Free Learn Line 1-800-255-5203

Phone: 902-897-2444
Fax: 902-897-4020
Website: www.ns.literacy.ca
Email: literacyns@nscc.ca

Learning Community Symposium Featuring
Dr. Ron Faris

Free Public Lecture
1 pm - 3 pm, Oct. 3, 2007
Nova Scotia Agricultural College

Free public showcase and panel discussion
6pm - 9 pm, Oct. 3, 2007
Debert Hospitality Centre

Provincial Workshop
Oct. 4, 2007
For registration details, see www.ns.literacy.ca

This event is sponsored in part by the Adult Learning Knowledge Centre, an initiative of the Canadian Council on Learning -a national, non-profit, independent organizations committed to improving learning for all Canadians.