I remember all my wonderful, younger sisters. Among my four sisters, one is very intelligent, soft spoken and hard working. Her name is Bihishta, and she wants to learn three or four languages, and she wants to be a dentist in future. She loves to learn new things. I remember that she was very honest and outspoken. When I wanted to talk with her about the future, she told me that she wanted to work with people who were in the medical field. We finished Joiner Elementary School and we had to choose a high school for ourselves, Bihishta chose the high school where they teach French. First my dad said, “None of us know French in this family. How will we help you with your homework?” She said, “I, by myself, will do my best. Please let me go to that school.” After a lot of struggling and opposition from the family, she won, and went to that high school to learn French.
Bihishta was burdened with challenge of hard lessons in French. She took courses in French and English. She already could speak Dari, Pashto, Farsi, and Urdu. Her dream was to become a dentist and my dad later agreed to choice. My mom wanted her to do something very important in life. She finished High School and went to university to pursue her program of study and she was very successful in life. She has a quiet personality and she never spoke more than two to three sentences. When you asked her more than one question she would get upset, and sometimes get angry with you.
Finally, years later, my sister Bihishta graduated from the university and she got a good job as a dentist in one of the most prestigious hospitals in Islamabad, Pakistan. Since she spoke different languages, she was able to work with many people from many countries. She is very happy in her life now and everybody in our family is proud of her, especially my mom. I remember one day my mom got a bad toothache and it was a public holiday in Pakistan and the offices were closed on that day. The pain got worse and worse, so my sister examined her tooth and gave her medication for pain. In two hours the pain was gone and my mom came in to the room where my sister was and she hugged her and kissed her on the face and said, “I don’t believe you are a doctor now. I am very happy you chose to be a dentist.” My sister started to cry, and then both of them were crying. After five minutes they were laughing loudly.
This was a special time, a celebration of happiness and achievement that I will never forgot in my life. I believe that with hard work and determination somebody can achieve the goal that they want. It’s only the tip of the iceberg.
Written by: Freshta