In the space provided, write RO beside run-on sentences. Write C beside sentences that are punctuated correctly. Some of the run-ons have no punctuation between two complete thoughts, others have only a comma.

Correct each run-on by using one of the following: a period and a capital letter, a comma and a joining word, or a semicolon. Do not use the same method of correction in each sentence.


My sister was jealous she wanted to go to the dance with John



The bridge looked rather frail I decided to use a canoe to cross the river.



The people are threatening to march on Parliament Hill they are tired of the government's inaction.



The spring melt caused the rivers to overflow their banks many people had to be evacuated to higher ground.



The hunters were late getting back to camp so we sent out the guide and his dog to look for them.



Many people are angry because of the health care cuts they are voicing their concerns to the politicians.



Unemployment is the major health and social problem on many reserves this issue must be addressed when looking at community health issues.



When you go out in the evening make sure you take your sweater.



The tent had small holes in the canvas our bedding got soaked during the rainstorm.



The neighbour's dog kept me awake last night he didn't stop barking until after midnight.


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