Each numbered sentence contains an underlined word. Select from choices A, B. or C, the correct definition for the underlined word. Write the letter of your choice in the blank before the sentence.

___ 1.

The government responsible for the changes that accompanied the entry of Manitoba into Confederation was not interested in developing policies that could compensate for these changes.

A. an orderly transition

B. to make payment or reparation to

C. a reversal of policy

___ 2.

The legal concept of a right to land possession also includes a moral concept.

A. rule of conduct with regard to what is right or wrong.

B. that which unifies a group

C. to bring up as a subject for debate

___ 3.

The natural resources of the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta were retained by the Federal Government when these provinces were created.

A. paid for

B. kept

C. withdrawn

___ 4.

The Fir trappers and traders made phenomenal profits in the beginning.

A. less than average

B. appropriate

C. outstanding

___ 5.

Canada was built on the fur trapping industry and wars were fought for the supremacy and control of fur markets.

A. regulation

B. small degree of power

C. highest authority

___ 6.

Traders hired interpreters and trappers to facilitate the gathering of furs and, thus brought about a new lifestyle.

A. maintain

B. ease

C. process

___ 7.

Without regulations, the stock of wild fur bearing animals would have been depleted in a few years.

A. seriously decreased

B. decreased by a fraction

C. speed out

___ 8.

One could visualize the area where the infraction took place.

A. break

B. change in manner

C. violation

___ 9.

The argument is indisputable in law.

A. unquestionably valid

B. somewhat true

C. without distinctive characteristics

___ 10.

The accessibility of fish as a regular food diet was a very important factor to the early explorers and voyageurs of this province.

A. that which is restricted to one area

B. that which is easily obtainable

C. that which is expensive.

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