Activity 3.1.1 The Interest Quiz
- Purpose
- To discover one’s personal level of openness to trying new
To examine decision-making factors
- Materials
- A small gift-wrapped box, sheets of blank white paper
- Time
- 1 hr
- Facilitators should prepare a small box with something inside, either something valuable (like
a ring) or not (like a paper clip), and wrap it up with fancy paper or just plain paper. Place this
box on the desk where participants can see it.
- Tell the participants to take a sheet of paper and fold it vertically, turning the paper with the
left side up. Write the numbers from one to six on the page and answer the following
questions with either a yes, no, or maybe.
- Do you like starting a conversation with a stranger?
- Would you like to take a trip without knowing where you are going?
- Would you like to do something that you are afraid to do?
- Would you like to live in the Yukon?
- Do you like to do yoga exercises?
- Would you like to know what is inside this box?
- Now, ask the participants to turn their papers over on the right side and answer the following
- Have you ever started a conversation with a stranger?
- Have you ever taken a trip without knowing where you are going?
- Have you ever done something you were afraid to do?
- Have you ever been to the Yukon?
- Do you know how to do yoga exercises?
- Do you think there is something valuable in the box?
- Inform the participants that this activity is an indicator of how open-minded they are. Ask the
participants to open up their papers and score themselves according to the following system:
- If the answer on the left side was either yes or no and the right side answer was no, then
score zero.
- If the answer on the left side was either yes or no and the right side answer was yes, then
score one point.
- If the answer on the left side was maybe and the right side answer was no, then score two
- If the answer on the left side was maybe and the right side answer was yes, then score three
- For question 6, participants get three points if they answered the right side with a maybe.
All other responses get zero.