Activity 3.1.2 A Multiple Intelligence Inventory

To acknowledge and gain insight into various intelligences To pinpoint areas of interests
2 hrs
  1. Warm up by asking participants about things they love to do. Acknowledge their interests by recording these. Facilitators can also ask them what skills they might use to do these things.
  2. Facilitators can explain the multiple intelligence theory. According to Howard Gardner, we can use several intelligences at once, or we may use one or two most of the time. There is no right or wrong way to be–all intelligences are of equal importance. The inventory is only a guide to pinpoint the participants’ areas of interest.
  3. Hand out the M.I. Inventory sheet (see next page for handout). Instruct participants to mark the statements and write a 0, 1, or 2 next to each, depending on how strongly they agree it.
  4. After they have completed the inventory, ask participants to add up the marks for each category. This inventory will give them a very good idea of where their interests and skills are strongest.
  5. Facilitators can explain the theory that this inventory is used to acknowledge people’s interests, strengths, and skills. Each person possesses eight intelligences that function together in some form or another.
  6. After completing the inventory checklist, ask participants to brainstorm work areas that could use their strongest skill. Or, give participants examples of job titles and ask them to describe the intelligences that these people use.
  7. Share and discuss The Eight Intelligences handout with the participants.