- Verbal Linguist:
- You have the ability to use words very well both orally and in writing. This
intelligence includes such skills as the ability to remember information, to convince others to help
you, and to talk about language itself. Your strengths are in language, speaking, and writing.
Possible career paths: receptionist, translator, salesperson, marketing.
- Visual-Spatial:
- You have the ability to be sensitive to form, space, colours, lines, and shapes. It
includes the ability to graphically represent visual or spatial ideas. Your strengths are in art and
design. Possible career paths: sculptor, visual artist, inventor, architect, interior designer,
mechanic, engineer, photographer, tailor or fashion designer, child care worker.
- Musical-Rhythmic:
- You have the ability to be sensitive to rhythm and sound. Musical
intelligence includes such skills as the ability to recognize songs and the ability to change speed,
tempo, and rhythm in simple melodies. Your strengths are in music compositions and rhythms.
Possible career paths: musician, disc jockey, singer, composer, child care worker.
- Bodily-Kinesthetic:
- You have the ability to use the body to express ideas and feelings, and to
solve problems. This includes such physical skills as co-ordination, flexibility, speed, and balance.
Your strengths are in dance, gymnastics, and sports. Possible career paths: athlete, dancer, actor,
firefighter, police officer, child care worker.
- Naturalist:
- You have the ability to find patterns and recognize and classify plants, minerals, and
animals, including rocks and all varieties of flora and fauna. It is also the ability to recognize
cultural artifacts like cars or shoes. Your strengths are in understanding nature, animals, and
environmental issues. Possible career paths: gardener, environmentalist, pet groomer, recreation or
tour guide.
- Interpersonal:
- You have the ability to understand another person’s moods, feelings, motivations,
and intentions. This includes such skills as responding well to other people in a pragmatic way,
such as getting people to participate in a project. Your strengths are in political movements,
leadership, and public relations. Possible career paths: counselor, salesperson, politician, business
person, health care aide, child care worker, retail services.
- Logical-Mathematical:
- You have the ability to use numbers and reason well. It includes such
skills as understanding numbers, the ability to analyze information, understanding the principle
of cause and effect, and being able to use simple machines. Your strengths are in math, science,
and logistics (reasoning skills). Possible career paths: researcher, accountant, data entry clerk,
computer analyst, construction worker, retail services.
- Intrapersonal:
- You have the ability to understand yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, moods,
desires, and intentions. This includes such skills as understanding how you are similar or different
from others, reminding yourself to do something, knowing about yourself, and knowing how to
handle your feelings such as what to do or how to behave when you are angry or sad. Your
strengths are in being insightful, spiritual, and sympathetic. Possible career paths: researcher,
health care aide, philosopher, counselor, child care worker.