Suggested Teaching Strategies

I have always found it most helpful to lead into an activity with an open discussion to find how much the participants already know about the topic. Introducing the topic and brainstorming ideas with participants reinforces unfamiliar vocabulary and may help in applying new terms to the actual activity. Involve participants when introducing each new activity by having them generate examples for using vocabulary and/or explaining or exploring ideas related to the activities. In addition, relate the topic being explored to a current or past news event or personal life event. It is also suggested to leave new vocabulary or sentences on the blackboard or flipchart where participants can easily refer to them. It is further recommended that all activities end with closing remarks and discussions. This will help participants gain a deeper understanding of the entire activity and its applicability to their lives.

Because VOICE involves using dynamic and interactive activities, maintaining calm in the class may not always be easy with ‘hot’ topics. If you sense the discussions are getting too heated, the facilitator should remind participants that everyone has value and a right to their opinion. The facilitator may want to use the situation and turn it into a learning moment by asking participants for guidelines to use when engaging in debates and discussions. Keeping a chart on the wall outlining the guidelines could be referred to before beginning any activity that requires participants to express personal opinions. The facilitator should always set the example and strive to keep the lines of communication open, honest, and respectful.