Activity 3.1.9 My Favourite Things Circle
- Purpose
- To discover and identify interests of importance
- Materials
- Handout–My Favourite Things Circle
Large sheets of flipchart paper
- Time
- 1 hr
- Show the diagram example (on next page) and ask participants to draw a circle similar to this
and answer the questions below. Note: facilitators may choose to photocopy and enlarge the
diagram for participants to use.
- Ring 1: What are eight things I like to do?
- Ring 2: How long has it been since I last did each of these eight things?
- Ring 3: Is this planned or spontaneous?
- Ring 4: Do I do this alone or with someone else?
- Inform participants that it is important to answer each question in the order that they are
given. They should answer each question before going on to the next.
- Participants are to write down their answers to each question in the appropriate ring.
- Once they have completed each section of the circle, ask them to take some time to think
about what this says about them.
- Discuss their findings