Activity 3.1.10 Three Wishes

To gain perspective about and movement towards a goal
1–2 hrs
Catching stars in a net
  1. Inform participants that they are going to make three wishes.
  2. Have them write down things they would very much like to do. For example: I would like to be able to play a musical instrument; I would like to visit Disneyland; or I would like to have a better paying job, etc.
  3. Next, have them rank their wishes as first, second, and third.
  4. Ask them to consider their first wish and answer the following questions:
    1. What will I need to accomplish my wish: money, equipment, etc.?
    2. Is there someone who can help me accomplish my wish? How do I contact this person?
    3. Write at least three steps to take in order to accomplish this wish.
    4. Write down a realistic schedule or timetable to get this wish accomplished.
  5. Participants should do this for all three wishes, and then select one of the three wishes to attempt.
  6. The facilitator can keep a record of this and discuss the participants’ progress toward their goal at a later time.

Adapted from: Garnett, P. (1988). Investigating Morals and Values in Today’s Society.