Activity 3.2.2 Team Sculpture

To develop teamwork To promote creativity within timelines
One roll of aluminum foil for each participant, measuring tape or rulers
2½ hrs
Snowman on top of a block of ice
  1. Ask all participants to bring in one roll of aluminum foil (approx. 7.62 m or 25 ft.).
  2. Participants are to be placed in equal groupings. Four or six people per group are ideal.
  3. Instruct groups to build a sculpture using only the aluminum foil that they have. No other material or accessories can be used.
  4. The sculpture must be no more than three feet tall or wide. Tell participants that it is very important to stay within the dimensions. The completed sculpture must be able to stand on its own.
  5. As a group, they need to decide on the theme for their sculpture.
  6. All participants must have a hand in building the sculpture. That means not having one person doing all the work. Each participant has to decide which part of the sculpture they can best contribute to. Note: two people can contribute to the same part of the sculpture, as long as they are working together on it.
  7. Inform participants that they will have half an hour to get organized, and one hour to complete their sculpture. Total time for the activity is 1.5 hours.
  8. At the completion of this task, ask each group to explain their work of art. How did they come to an agreement? Was it built equally by all members of the group? Was there a leader of their group? Why did they choose this theme, and/or what does this sculpture mean to them?
  9. As a whole class, ask participants to vote for the best sculpture.
  10. Follow up discussions can include types of employment that require teamwork and timelines, for example, a project manager, sales personnel, etc.
  11. Other discussions could be about the usefulness of having a team leader within a group in order to facilitate effective working methods and to produce a final product.