Everyone has had changes in his or her life. That’s what makes life interesting. When we look
back at the changes that have occurred over our lives, we can determine our life’s path and why
changes were and are important. Many people have survived, overcome, and succeeded following
life-changing events. The world too has grown as a result of changes brought about by
exploration, invention, and research. Embracing change is needed to create a life with trust and
purpose. The following activities will assist participants to explore and acknowledge the value of
changes in their own lives, other people’s lives, and in the world at large.
- Part One:
Personal Changes
- Changes in one’s personal life often lead to previously
undiscovered reserves of inner strength, altered outlooks, and
unmitigated resolve. Taking a look at yesterday, and
discovering the changes that led to the here and now, is a
powerful tool to discover our inner flexibility and trust. The
activities that explore personal changes will have participants
present their personal biographies and life challenges (turning
points). It is hoped that participants will find their unique and
personal challenges an inspiration to themselves and to others.
It is also hoped that participants can see that one’s life, when
lived with continuous learning, is always changing.
- Part Two:
World Changes
- The world is always turning and changing, along with the
people in it. Changes in the world can assist mankind to
unlock the mystery to developing a better way to a more
peaceful existence. This part will provide participants the
opportunity to uncover why and how the world and society
change. Participants will discover the power of ordinary people
who had dreams, and perhaps discover the value of their own
- Learning Objectives
- Participants will develop and present a personal
autobiography, as well as determine, document, and
communicate findings about a turning point in their lives.
World social developments and biographies of renowned
people who overcame barriers will be reviewed, discussed, and
analyzed by the participants.