
The most important factor in our lives, that shapes who we are, is our values. They set the tone for what we want and how we live. The first four activities in the Values unit introduce the idea that values are shaped by personal, cultural, societal and work factors. Then with this idea in mind participants will continue to explore their values using a variety of interactive and arts-based approaches. The activities are presented in three parts:

  1. Value Assessment Lists
  2. Exploring Personal Values
  3. Exploring General Values (cultural, societal and work)
Part One: Value Assessment Lists
Value assessment lists help participants to gain a larger perspective of what is important for their personal, work, and general areas of life. The insistence on prioritizing values allows for a clearer and more defined representation of the participants and their goals. These exercises are split into four areas: cultural values, personal values, work values, and societal values.
Part Two: Exploring Personal Values
Personal values are the values we hold most dear for ourselves. These are most often recognized when they conflict with external values, i.e., cultural, societal, and work values. The following activities will help participants prioritize their personal values in relation to external values, and give participants the tools to create a balance between personal and external values. Underlying several activities is the question: How much of a priority do personal values have?
Part Three: Exploring General Values
General values include cultural, societal and work values. These shape and influence who we are and how we live. The activities in this part will help participants to reflect on how these values might conflict and/or relate with their personal values. A close examination of their general values will help participants expand their perceptions and possibly change how they see themselves and others. Group discussions are recommended as they give participants a chance to acknowledge how different perspectives can be valuable, and the opportunity to reflect on how similarities can also create connection.