Activity 4.1.2 A Turning Point
- Purpose
- To facilitate positive thinking
To practise communication skills and develop confidence in public speaking
- Materials
- Poster board, tape or glue, magazine pictures, coloured markers
- Time
- 1–2 hrs
- Instruct participants to recall a time in their lives that signified a turning point for them.
Explain that a turning point in one’s life is usually an event that causes them to think about
things differently, or to make a positive change in a less than perfect situation. This could be
anything from moving to a new country to the death of a friend, a divorce, going back to
school, etc. Anything or anyone that helped make a change or acted as a catalyst in their lives,
or changed the way they thought about life could be a turning point.
- Have them draw a facsimile of their turning point event on the poster board, or cut out
magazine pictures that remind them of the event or person in a positive way. Participants
should make small notations around the pictures to describe how these act as a positive
- When the project is complete, ask participants to make a presentation to talk about their
turning points.
- Facilitators should give participants approximately 10 minutes for their presentations.