Activity 4.2.2 Biographies of Societal Changes: Social Firsts

To gain insight and understanding into controversy that leads to societal change
Computer with Internet access, and/or library access, poster board
2–3 hrs initially, and ongoing over a 1–2 week period.

It is considered controversial to change the status quo, yet it is controversy that expands people’s perceptions and helps to rid the world of injustices.

  1. Write the above quotation so the group can see it (if you are not using a workbook) and explore issues that were once considered controversial. Examples of discussion topics could be inter-racial marriage, voting rights for women and aboriginals, equal pay for women, etc. Ask participants to identify some controversial issues in the world today.
  2. Instruct participants to develop a biography on an individual or a group of people who were instrumental in changing social perceptions that helped to eliminate prejudices. Examples could be Rosa Parks (the first black woman to challenge the bus laws in Alabama), Axel and Eigil Axgil (the first legally married gay couple in Copenhagen), Elaine Burton (the first woman to race in shorts at a major sporting event), Terry Fox (the first amputee runner to attempt a cross-Canada run), Steven Fletcher (the first Canadian with a permanent disability to be elected to the House of Commons), and Sue Rodrigues (the first terminally ill patient to challenge the law against euthanasia in Canada). Participants can choose a person (or people) from either the past or present that they consider to be “Social Firsts” in making changes that were instrumental in altering prejudices or injustices.
  3. The facilitator can guide participants in using the Internet or library to find information.
  4. Give participants about one week to gather information and write their biographies. At the end of one week, ask participants to deliver a one to three minute presentation. Participants should ensure they clearly identify the individual(s) and why their actions are considered to be a “social first”.
  5. After all participants have had a chance to speak, ask participants to vote for the top three people or groups of people that they consider to have been most instrumental in changing people’s perceptions.
  6. Guide a discussion with participants about what they learned by doing this activity.