Fantasia grew up in a poor black family in the United States. She was a teenager when she became pregnant and dropped out of high school. She had a baby girl and people doubted that she would be able to support herself and her child. But, she got a job and struggled to get the things her baby needed. Fantasia also kept a secret; she could not read very well.

One day she wondered what kind of an example she was setting for her daughter. So, she went back to school and managed to earn her diploma. She proved everyone wrong. But she didn’t tell anyone about the problems she had with reading.

Fantasia Barrino had many good qualities, one of which was her singing voice. She decided to audition for American Idol. Some audience members were shocked when they discovered she had a three-year-old child. They asked, “What kind of a role-model would she be for young girls who look up to singing stars?” Despite the negative press, and her struggle to read the cue cards, Fantasia ended up winning.

People loved her energetic personality and her soulful singing voice. She now has a debut album, “Free Yourself.” She has also written her autobiography which includes her struggle with reading. Her book has helped many people not to be ashamed or embarrassed about their lack of reading abilities. She says about herself, “Not being able to read well kept me in the box, and I wouldn’t come out.” She feels it is important for people to be honest and not to be ashamed about reading disabilities. Fantasia is currently getting tutored in reading. She knows it’s important to be able to read in order to understand the legal recording contracts that she signs.

Fantasia Barrino uses her strong voice, not just to sing, but to advocate for those who struggle with reading, and to tell teenage mothers who drop out of school not to give up.
