Empower & Engage in Life
To be fully engaged in life makes self-empowerment more easily attained by paying attention and
staying focused on your goals. Everyone has the ability to take charge of his or her life and to feel
energized by doing so. In the end, personal growth and security is a managed effort built from
within. In this unit, participants will identify their avenues for employment/life successes and take
the steps required to meet their goals.
- Part One:
Empowering Support
- No one goes through life alone, although at times this is what it
may feel like. There is always someone who has been or will be
an instrumental part of our lives. In order to live a meaningful
life, engaged and empowered, we need to interact with people in
a loving and supportive way. It’s a basic essential for personal
growth. In this part, participants will acknowledge the people in
their lives who are supportive of their goals. These activities will
help participants to understand and see all the support
structures available to them, including the support they give to
A life map will be created to provide a clear visual representation
of their goal path. Participants will also be required to realistically
look at their skills and develop a progress log to track how
their skills are being used to achieve their objectives.
- Part Two:
Engaging in Life
- This part requires participants to make a commitment to
accomplish their life goals. With a strong commitment, they
will learn the power of “motion with emotion”, and holding
onto beliefs and faith within themselves. To be engaged is to be
fully focused in the moment. It is this kind of focus that allows
for movement towards their dreams and their goals. At the end
of this part, participants should be feeling more in control and
energized by their readiness to explore and make concrete
connections to their desired employment areas.
- Learning Objectives
- Participants will research and identify support structures
required for their goals, and create a progress log to attain a
learning objective. They will develop and organize charts of
information for successful completion of goals and produce a
portfolio for employment readiness.