Activity 5.1.2 Identifying Support

To identify support structures to achieve an employment goal.
Handout–Identifying Support Chart Workbook/journal
1 hr initially and ongoing
  1. Using the handout, instruct participants to chart their support structures as follows:
    1. Who are the people in my life who want me to succeed? Write their names.
    2. Do I know anyone in the field of work that I want to work in? Or, do I know anyone who knows someone in the field of work that I want to work in? Write their names.
    3. Can I enlist at least three people to commit to meeting with me to keep me on track? Write their names.
    4. Are there any employment support groups in my community? Check with the program or with government agencies available in your area.
    5. How can I best support myself to achieve my goals? Write what is required from you.
    6. Instruct participants to keep this chart available for viewing every day and practise keeping a diary or daily journal where they can highlight each day’s event that supported them in achieving their goal.
  2. Facilitators may want to include a follow-up plan with this activity or devote some time each day to help participants stay focused on the task.