To identify general employment skills and compare to the nine
Essential Skills listed by HRSDC
To become familiar with Essential Skills vocabulary
(1) HRSDC Nine Essential Skills
(2) Identifying Essential Skills for Work Chart
(3) Identifying Essential Skills for Work Chart (blank)
(4) Learning More Essential Skills Chart
Blank sheets of flipchart paper
3 hrs initially, and on-going
Part 1:
Discuss with participants what the word “essential” means.
Brainstorm with participants the essential skills they believe are needed for life. Facilitators
will record all the words/phrases as they are given under the heading essential skills for life.
Ask participants to give an explanation for the phrase essential skills for work. What does this
mean? Again, the facilitator should record the examples given.
Discuss with participants how essential skills for life are also used for work.
Ask participants to make a list of nine words/phrases that they consider to be essential skills
for work based on these two lists and their discussions.
Ask participants if they could prioritize these skills. Why or why not?
Hand out the HRSDC (Human Resources and Skills Development Canada) Essential Skills
list for review. Ask participants to compare this list to their list and discuss any insights or
Suggested Questions for Discussion:
What are the similarities between the lists?
What are the differences?
Do these skills help them to become a better employee?
Can the Essential Skills be prioritized? Why or Why not?