Activity 5.1.6 Strategize for Change
- Purpose
- To develop strategies needed to implement a plan
- Materials
- Large sheets of flipchart paper, coloured markers/pencils, a previously completed life map
- Time
- 3 hrs initially, and on-going.
Inform participants that to define goals and vision they need to ask the question, “What do I
want?” In order to clarify values and purpose they also need to ask themselves the question, “Why
do I want it?” Then, to develop strategies they need to ask, “How will I get it?”

- Have participants go through their goals from their life
map(s) and ask themselves how they will get the
resources and investments they will need for realizing
each one. The facilitator may help to brainstorm some
ideas. For example, if owning a house is a goal,
participants will have to set up an appointment with
the bank to discuss a mortgage loan, set aside savings
every month for a down-payment, etc.
- Give participants a large sheet of flipchart paper to
make a five-year plan for one of their goals.
- After they have completed their five-year plan, give them another
sheet of flipchart paper and ask them now to scale it down to a one-year
- When the one-year plan is completed, ask them to decide on the steps that they will take this
week towards their goal. Using another sheet of flipchart paper, participants can now make a
one-week plan/map that will bring them closer to their goal.
- Ask them to look at the whole picture of their weekly plan. Is the week balanced? Have they
realistically planned enough time to attain it? How does each planned activity support the
realization of their goal?
- Their weekly map should be placed in an area of their home where they can easily see it and
review the challenges for that week.