Activity 1.2.1 R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

To gain a respectful and non-judgmental class environment
Poster board, magazines, tape or glue, coloured pencils
2–3 hrs

This activity will lead to the creation of a RESPECT chart (or charts) for one wall in your room. Facilitators can decide whether this exercise should be done in teams or as individual work.

  1. As a warm-up to this activity, discuss with participants what respect means to them. Write down any responses.
  2. Explain the word acrostic and how poems or creative descriptions can be written with an acrostic. Tell participants that they are going to make a chart using an acrostic for the word RESPECT.
  3. Offer an example of words, phrases or sentences that relate to respect using the available letters and/or brainstorm with participants for related words, phrases or sentences. Depending on your class level, you can write these for participants to copy or to be used as examples. Below is an example of a completed acrostic.
Hands shaking

R RESPOND in kindness.

E EVERYONE belongs here.

S SUPPORT one another.

P Find PEACEFUL ways to disagree.

E ENJOY each other’s company.

C CARE about someone’s feelings.

T TOLERATE differences.