Activity 1.2.11 Mirror Image

To develop self-esteem
30 mins
A woman looking into a mirror
  1. Ask participants to pair up with someone. (Preferably with someone they don’t know very well).
  2. Instruct one of the pair to start acting out a common activity using only actions and not words. For example, act out walking in a circle or brushing their teeth. The other person tries to mimic exactly what is being done.
  3. After each person has had a couple of turns mimicking the other, instruct them now to act as mirror images, again without using sounds or words. Have participants switch roles every 15 seconds. The goal of the mirror-image activity is to have participants keep up and follow each movement as if they were mirrors.
  4. Guide a discussion about the level of difficulty involved in imitating someone else. Also discuss the difficulty involved in trying to second-guess someone when using the mirror image routine.
  5. Ask the question: “What are some reasons why people act like someone else?”