Activity 1.2.13 NLP Problem Solving: Take Three Steps

To become aware of actions required to solve a particular problem
A blank white wall
15–20 mins

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming and is used to train the mind to reinforce positive messages. This light-hearted activity can be used to help individuals become consciously familiar with the messages given and the actions required to solve a problem. Letting go of a problem also comes into play and opens up an avenue of hope and belief for the problem poser.

Feet patterns
  1. Facilitators should demonstrate the exercise first and then ask for a volunteer to try it out. Bolded phrases are to be stressed aloud to the participant.
  2. Face a blank white wall of the class and draw in the air in front of you (with your hands) the problem. It doesn’t have to be a Picasso! Do not say what you are drawing or what your problem is. This is a silent exercise.
  3. Draw a box around the problem. Now move or lift the problem and put it behind you.
  4. Face the wall area again and imagine how the problem is being solved. Take some time to really see this unfolding in front of you.
  5. Take one step towards the solution. Look at what it takes to reach the solution.
  6. Take another step. Keep your focus on the solution in front of you. See the action that is needed to solve the problem.
  7. Take one more step and see it being played out as completely solved.
  8. Take a final look and let it go. Tell yourself that the problem is now being taken care of.

Tell participants it is important not to think about the problem anymore. You have already told yourself how the problem will be resolved and you saw the actions that are required.