The following 10 people are available to go on the mission to Mars. Choose four.
- A single white male, age 31, drug user, employed as a bartender and part-time musician
- A widowed black male, age 75, retired university professor of Political Science
- A single black male, age 28, previously employed as a wrestling champion, now an ex-convict
who was previously charged with rape
- A single white female, aged 42, retired prostitute
- A married white male preacher, age 55, known to associate with white supremacist groups
- A white female and wife of the preacher, age 50, employed as a nurse and refuses to be
separated from her husband
- An Asian male, age 26, a known homosexual, third year medical student
- A divorced Hispanic female, age 38, previously employed as a lawyer, also a former
government employee, but had to resign because she was caught stealing from government
funds, also a single mother of a 10-year-old severely disabled daughter who she will leave
- An Asian female, age 25, divorced because she refuses to have children, employed as a high
school teacher of history
- A single Hispanic male, age 25, employed as an architectural engineer, recently paralyzed
from the waist down because of a car accident in which he was charged with drunk driving