Activity 1.3.7 Opposites Attract
- Purpose
- To develop sensitivity to sexual harassment regardless of
- Materials
- Handouts–
- (1) Scene One
- (2) Scene Two
- Time
- 1 hr
The facilitator will cut each handout in half.

- Divide the class into two groups and ask them to
pair up with someone in their group. One group
will use the Scene One handout and the other
group will use the Scene Two handout.
- Give each pair the roles of Ricka and Edmund.
Instruct them to decide how they will act these
out. The participants must not talk to the other
group about their role-playing scene. This will
aid in observing their reactions when they see
the opposite scenes being acted out. Participants
must also decide on a solution for their
character’s problem. Ask them to really take on the character of their role.
- When everyone has finished discussing the problem and possible solutions, ask for volunteers
to act out their scene.
- Choose paired participants who have Ricka and Edmund characters from Scene One to act
this out in front of the class. Ask them to also include acting out the solutions to their
character’s problems.
- Next, choose a pair of participants who have the Ricka and Edmund characters from Scene
Two, and also have them include the acting out of the solution to their character’s problem.
- Proposed Discussion
- Have participants discuss how it felt to be Ricka or Edmund in their particular scenes.
- How did each participant react when they saw the opposite scene being played out?
- Was it just as viable a problem for each character regardless of gender?
- What are some of the solutions when a person feels harassed at work?
- Are the solutions the same for men as they are for women?