Organize Time & Overcome Barriers

Organizing our time is organizing our life and vice-versa.

Developing effective strategies to organize our time and our life can help to remove personal barriers. When participants discover that they can negotiate this part of life, their sense of well-being or accomplishment may help them develop a positive self-esteem and outlook. Practising job interview skills such as eye-contact, hand-shaking, and ending an interview, etc., will ultimately help participants gain valuable confidence and melt away some of the fears associated with the interview process. By taking an interactive approach, participants will be given many opportunities to acknowledge their strengths and develop self-assurance.

Part One: Organize Time
The need to organize our lives and overcome self-defeating habits or ingrained barriers is crucial if we want to be a productive person. Whether it is organizing our thoughts, our papers or our time, all are relevant to prepare for an uncluttered and focused life. The activities in this part will allow participants to discover the amount of daily time that they can dedicate to their goal, and a chance to see how simple time reallocations could assist them.
Part Two: Overcome Barriers
It is important to acknowledge barriers that may be a hindrance to productivity in our life, whether they are personal or external barriers. If barriers go unacknowledged, they will forever be looming right in front and prevent further movement towards one’s goal. In this part participants will gain insight into perceived and unperceived barriers that may prevent them from going forward with their lives.
Learning Objectives
Participants will produce a time allotment calendar/chart, and develop strategies to prioritize routines and commitments, and build self-esteem. They will also benefit from job interview tips, enact and develop interview skills, and receive/process peer evaluations. Each participant will also create a personal affirmations poster board to act as a reminder of his or her life’s journey.