Activity 2.1.1 The Time Quiz
- Purpose
- To gain insight into the personal value of time
- Materials
- 8˝″ × 11″ blank paper
- Time
- 30 mins
- To begin this activity, facilitators can guide an open discussion about
time and why our society values it so much.
- Tell participants that they are going to take a time quiz. Instruct
them to fold an 8˝″ × 11″ piece of blank paper vertically. Then
have participants write the numbers 1 to 10 on both the left and
right sides.
- Read the questions below and instruct participants to write either YES or
NO on the left side of their paper.
Facilitators will read the first 10 Time Quiz Questions:
- Are you upset if the class runs over the scheduled time?
- Does it bother you if your favourite TV program is suddenly rescheduled?
- Do you mind waiting in front of a movie theatre for your friend to come and join you?
- Does it make any difference to you if the game at a sporting event starts on time?
- Do you care whether a salesperson in a store comes immediately to wait on you?
- When you are getting something fixed, do you mind if it is not finished on time?
- Does it upset you to have to wait in a doctor’s office when you were on time for your
- Do you get upset or angry if you have to wait for a bus that is late?
- When you call someone, does it bother you to be put “on hold”?
- Do you mind if you get your paycheque a couple of days later?