Activity 2.1.2 Organizing by Colour

To keep papers organized and practise organizational skills
Coloured markers or coloured photocopy paper
  1. Many facilitators have mentioned the time-consuming process that often occurs when participants search in vain to find a previous paper that was worked on. If organization of notes and papers is a challenge for participants, and for facilitators, try colour-coding the papers used for handouts. If photocopying on coloured paper is not an option, use coloured markers to draw a line or circle identifying the section the papers belong to.
  2. Instruct participants to keep the same coloured papers all together in one section of a binder.
  3. After a period of about two weeks, ask participants how they like the colour-coding system. Do they feel more in control of their work?
  4. Ask how they feel about themselves when they can readily find the paper or section they need.
  5. Ask participants to name some jobs that require colour-coding, e.g., most clothing stores require their merchandise to have colour-coded price tags.

Note: Facilitators can ask participants to colour code all handouts or papers for themselves. In the beginning, facilitators may need to remind participants to put a coloured mark on their paper and file it in the appropriate section of their binder.

From: James, K. and Nightingale, C. (2004). Discovering Potential.