Activity 2.2.7 Imagine
- Purpose
- To build confidence and promote abilities
- Materials
- None
- Time
- 20 mins
Many professional speakers, athletes, etc., use this technique to build confidence and promote
their abilities.
- Ask participants to acknowledge a characteristic that they feel at times holds them back. An
example could be “I feel shy around strangers.”
- Have them close their eyes and imagine themselves as they would like to be.
- Tell them to stay focused on their pictured self in their minds.
- Begin to guide them to see and acknowledge what they are wearing, how they are standing,
how they are feeling, and how they are acting in their pictured perfect self. Allow about two
minutes for participants to get the full picture.
- Be sure to encourage participants to think about how they feel.
- Ask participants if they would really like to be the way that they imagined.
- Tell participants to use this guided picture as a tool to help them overcome a barrier. They
have already told their mind what they would look like and how it would feel. Participants
should consciously practise or act in this imagined way whenever they can.
- Facilitators can inform participants that at first it will feel like they are imagining themselves
as actors in a role, but eventually with practise, this can become a natural way of being.