Using the Activities to Enhance an Existing Program

The activities can also be used to enhance other literacy and language programs. Although the activities are discrete and flexible enough to be used alone, they were designed to flow within each unit and from one unit to the next. The following is a brief explanation of each unit.

UNIT 1: Values

This first unit guides participants to explore their values in depth. Activities 1.1.1–1.1.4, Value Assessment Lists, are the most important activities to begin with. These lists encourage participants to explore what is most important for their own well-being and gives participants an overview of how values are integrated throughout their life. The following activities in Part Two: Exploring Personal Values ask participants to reflect more deeply on how they make judgments and decisions. Activities 1.2.1 through 1.2.13 do not necessarily have to be done in total, but can be used selectively. In particular, Activity 1.2.3–Determine Your Value, reinforces the participants’ view of themselves and encourages them to communicate with more conviction. The activities in Part Three: Exploring General Values can be selectively chosen to act as a support for solidifying and acknowledging values. I would suggest choosing two or three of these activities.

UNIT 2: Organize Time & Overcome Barriers

This unit helps participants to become more organized and reflect on where their time is being used. In Part One: Organize Time, Activity 2.1.1–The Time Quiz is a good indicator of how participants might value time and should be completed first to introduce the remaining activities, which will help participants to gain some organizational skills. Part Two: Overcome Barriers has activities that encourage communication skills and positive thinking. Activities 2.2.1 through 2.2.9 are reflective of this. Activities 2.2.10 through 2.2.16 deal with confirming employment preferences and studying interview practices. The reasons for placing the interview process activities in the Overcoming Barriers part is simply to allow participants to gain confidence and overcome shyness when in a job interview. Many participants will experience personal and/or societal barriers in this area of their life; therefore it is my hope that by participating in these activities they will gain a larger picture of the hiring process and prepare for their success.

UNIT 3: Interests

This unit is divided into two categories of interests: Part One: Individual Interests, and Part Two: Group Interests. The Individual Interests part has several activities to help participants to acknowledge their successful endeavours and their activity preferences. Choosing any five of the ten activities should give participants a clearer picture of what they like to do and where their acquired skills lie. Activity 3.1.1–The Interest Quiz, may be used as an introduction to either Activity 3.1.2–A Multiple Intelligence Inventory, or Activity 3.1.3–Identify Your Passions. Activity 3.1.10–Three Wishes encourages participants to identify and work towards an achievable goal. Part Two: Group Interests develops team work and has only three activities. It is not necessary to do all three activities because group or team work is also developed in other units.