- Arrive on time or maybe a few minutes early for your interview.
- Be neat and professional in appearance.
- Do not wear too much make-up, cologne or perfume.
- Walk with confidence, smile, and make eye contact.
- Present a firm handshake.
- Bring at least two copies of your resume and a portfolio if you have one.
- Answer questions clearly.
- Be prepared to sell yourself by highlighting your strengths, your accomplishments, and your
eagerness to work for this employer.
- Give the impression that says “I’m great, but I know I have more to learn.”
- Try not to fidget in your chair, or do anything else that might give the impression that you
are nervous.
- If you are not sure how to answer a question, ask for more details.
- You can ask questions about benefits, sick days, or vacation time. It is best to not negotiate
about salary until you actually get the job offer.
- When the job interview is finished, stand up and extend your hand and thank the
interviewer for his or her time. You may ask when a decision will be made.
- Walk out as confidently as you entered.