In some interviews, you may be asked difficult questions. Decide how you would answer these questions. Note: never lie–you could lose the job if you do.

Question Possible Answer
Why did you leave your last job? The company downsized and I was laid off. I wanted to find a position with more room for growth.
What are your weaknesses? (Try to mention a weakness that is also a strength). I am sometimes too much of a perfectionist or fussy about details. On the other hand my boss could always be sure that my work was carefully done.
You don’t have quite enough experience. I am a fast learner. I am willing and eager to learn. If there are any classes you think I should take, I’ll be happy to do that.
What did you dislike about your last job? (Mention only one thing and make it short). They didn’t have enough work to keep me busy.
You left your last job six months ago. Why didn’t you find a job sooner? (Don’t give the impression that you have been doing nothing). I’ve been working hard to find a good job, but the market is very tight. I have been going to school and upgrading my skills.

From: Oppliger, J. (1997). Get That Job!