Activity 2.2.16 More Formal Interviews

To gain an understanding of interview expectations To develop a more confident attitude for effective interviewing
Handout–Mock Interview Checklist TV, VCR , video recorder, tape recorder, video and tape cassettes for each participant,
2–3 hrs initially, and on-going practise

Completion of the mock interviews will definitely help participants gain a clear understanding of the expectations pertaining to job interviews. The expected outcome is for participants to develop a more confident attitude in facing the challenges and to overcome some of their nervousness in these situations.

  1. Facilitators should give participants a date(s) when you will be holding “formal” interviews. Note: you may want to have another facilitator that participants are not familiar with to act as the employer to help with authenticity.
  2. The facilitator should get all work choices from the participants and make a schedule of interview times.
  3. Ask them to dress appropriately and act as though they are attending a real interview.
  4. You can give participants a copy of the ‘Mock Interview Checklist’ as a guide to help them prepare for their interview.

Post the schedule in the classroom and have participants sign up for an interview.

Interview for: Date: Print name if interested:
Gardener Monday–09:00  
Housekeeper Monday–09:30  
Waiter Tuesday–10:00  
Yoga Instructor Tuesday–11:00