Activity 2.2.16 More Formal Interviews
- Purpose
- To gain an understanding of interview expectations
To develop a more confident attitude for effective interviewing
- Materials
- Handout–Mock Interview Checklist
TV, VCR , video recorder, tape recorder, video and tape
cassettes for each participant,
- Time
- 2–3 hrs initially, and on-going practise
Completion of the mock interviews will definitely help participants gain a clear understanding of
the expectations pertaining to job interviews. The expected outcome is for participants to develop
a more confident attitude in facing the challenges and to overcome some of their nervousness in
these situations.
- Facilitators should give participants a date(s) when you will be holding “formal” interviews.
Note: you may want to have another facilitator that participants are not familiar with to act as
the employer to help with authenticity.
- The facilitator should get all work choices from the participants and make a schedule of
interview times.
- Ask them to dress appropriately and act as though they are attending a real interview.
- You can give participants a copy of the ‘Mock Interview Checklist’ as a guide to help them
prepare for their interview.
Post the schedule in the classroom and have participants sign up for an interview.
Interview for: |
Date: |
Print name if interested: |
Gardener |
Monday–09:00 |
Housekeeper |
Monday–09:30 |
Waiter |
Tuesday–10:00 |
Yoga Instructor |
Tuesday–11:00 |