- What kind of skills are most needed by your members?
- Literacy and numeracy skills
- Computer skills
- Job specific skills
- Certification and licensing
- Trades and apprenticeships
- High School Leaving (Grade 12)
- General Educational Diploma (GED)
- College or university degrees
- Other, please specify:
- What type of training might be needed in the future?
- Does the collective agreement include training and/or education
provisions? If yes what are these provisions? Are they adequate?
- Does the employer do training outside of collective agreement
- What kind of training is it? Who gets it? Who does not get it?
- Does your membership have the basic skills needed to access
training and new jobs?
- How would your members' skills rate if they had to move to anew
job in your workplace, or look for work else where in the event of a
lay-off or closure?